I draw from a variety of evidence based therapeutic modalities which in the “real world” this means:

  • developing greater awareness of emotions an thoughts and how they impact your life

  • setting and reaching goals, out of self compassion and not because you’re broken

  • reducing guilt and shame to find clarity about what truly matters to you

  • naming, noticing and letting go of self-critical, destructive thinking

  • improving relationships with compassionate connection and clear boundaries

  • easing symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression

Working collaboratively, you discover new, more sustainable ways of coping that come from your own awareness and experiences. You decide what is and is not working for you, you define progress and you develop a sense of self that is cohesive and true for you. I want you to give me feedback, tell me what is and isn’t working so that we can properly celebrate progress and explore setbacks with curiosity and compassion. I situate human struggles within systems of power, social constructs and the believe that we want to fulfill our potential, at any age.

Click on any of the links below to see the science and evidence behind my approach:

Dr. Kristen Neff, Mindful Self Compassion
Dr. Tara Brach, Radical Self Acceptance
Dr. Dan Siegel, Mindset
Dr. Gabor Maté
Compassion Focused Therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Emotion Focused Therapy